Miami Connection (1987)

Cinema Shock Roulette #4

It's time for another exciting game of Cinema Shock Roulette!

If you've never listened to a Roulette episode before, the idea is simple: Using a list of films that we've compiled, we allow a random number generator to pick a movie off the list to be the next subject of these standalone episodes.

For this episode, the universe must have been smiling at us, because the randomly-selected film was Y.K. Kim's infamous late-80s ode to friendship, rock-n-roll, and Taekwondo: MIAMI CONNECTION.

The story behind this film — and its creator — is a fascinating one, but the story behind its resurgence may be even more interesting. We can't wait to share the story of MIAMI CONNECTION with you!

Theme Song: "There's Still a Little Bit of Time, If We Hurry and I Mean Hurry" by Slasher Film Festival Strategy.

This episode was written, produced and edited by Gary Horne, Justin Bishop, and Todd A. Davis.


Fando Y Lis (1968)


Drag Me To Hell